Friday, January 30, 2009

Open your heart... "Heaven" spins around you!

At a time in our country when so many people are experiencing problems economically, the desire to reach out to spiritual alternatives is growing greater and stronger everyday. Even people like myself who are not particularly religious have been grasping for something to make sense out of this difficult time in our culture. I envy those folks who are able to tap into their own religious beliefs and bring themselves a feeling of comfort.
I recently saw the movie "Doubt" which brought up all types of questions in my own mind. God?... is one there?... is there indeed corruption within our clergy? In addition to that film, could that image of a Rabbi caught on camera by a television news camera where he was posing as a 13 year old on a social network to meet other teenagers actually be happening? Now... these are not the reasons for my personal questions regarding the reality of religion for me… however... it certainly has helped to perpetuate my own "doubt".
Being a mom of three who has lost 100 pounds preaching musical health and vocalizing my opinions to the health & fitness communities... Oh… how I would like to believe. The peace that I see on faces of children and families on Sunday mornings as they leave church all scrubbed and clean in their Sunday best. The memories I have as a young child sitting next to my father in temple during the Jewish holidays. Women in those dark suites complete with pocket books and gloves with their pursed lips and private grin. The sounds of choral voices from both sectors that I have had the opportunity to sing with through out my own life as a singer. The music. I love the music... but to be a believer?... that is something different.
For this reason I have written the song called "Heaven" at 132 beats per minute. Upon writing this song... I popped on my Ipod headphones and walked through the streets of New York City with the car horns and thousands of people spinning around me... but they made not a sound. All I could here was the merger of choral voices streamed together with a trance like dance beat which every one of my foot steps walked to. The music wrapping around me like a blanket. What a feeling! Please... make me a believer!
Take a listen... try matter what you believe... move your body to experience Musical Health.
No matter what you are choosing... walking... running... spinning... etc... inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth... heal your mind and body with this song from me to you.
Open your heart... Heaven spins around you!

Stay well…

...and as always... in body and spirit...

Never Stop Movin'!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Depression, go away.... "Today I Believe!”

“How many million times do we say the same old line it really blows my mind... you know it! Now, it's not a crime it's just a waste of time, now here is the reason why. Excuses, that is the same old reason… let's all attack... grab on this is the season... I'll take you there... a place that's warm and tender so here we go… let me show you the way. Today's the day... I know... nothing can stand in our way! I do believe that!”
These are lyrics I have written to my song available at the bottom of this blog to motivate you to do any form of cardio today. At a tempo of 132 beats per minute, use it to stimulate your body and your mind. In these hard times of economic and vocational loss, obesity and the overwhelming rise in health care costs, we all need to believe and help each other as much as we can.
So many people have been writing to me for advice on how to stay motivated with their fitness commitments and targeted weight loss goals. Now more than ever it is too easy to fall off the health & fitness wagon due to feelings of depression where the world is concerned. Maybe you just lost your job... or maybe you have had to relocate your family and pack up a house lost and put your kids in a new school. All the pressure that comes along with our current stressful state of our Nation is not exactly the cheerleader we all need to keep us on point.
Try this today... say... "Today I Believe!" Reach out to those around you. Oh yes... I understand the emotional paralyses that may come with getting that pink slip at work.
That's ok... Alchemy!.... sometimes disappointment can lead to greater things in life. Remember what you we were taught as kids.... "Use your time wisely!" See?... you are on the internet with the ability to reach out to people all over the world... How Fabulous!!! Help each other. We are all going through this together... not that it will immediately pay your phone bill... however... one never knows what is around the corner. Keep on keepin' on! Jump out of bed... get those fingers on that keyboard as you type away today... then get on up and move... or simply inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth and say those words..... "Today I Believe!"

Stay well and as always...

Never Stop Movin'!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Food-a-Holics... are you Hiding in the Shadows?"

My name is MARINA and I am a Food-a-Holic! Well... to those of you that struggle with any addiction, you know all too well that the first step is to say these words openly to yourself before you can attack the problem head on. Oh sure... maybe you are one, like myself, that manages to get up every morning and perform at peak performance no matter what that is. A job... being a parent... making those sandwiches packed in a nice brown paper bag that you hand the kids before you drive them off to school.
Now you might say... "food?... certainly not the same as being addicted to booze or pills." To that I say... hmm... yeah it is. To those of us that have food being our drug of choice... with overeating being triggered by all those addictive buttons... this remains our illness.
Not all buttons that are pushed are always from a negative situation. As a self proclaimed food-a-holic, I have found that the excuse to give into my addiction may be stimulated by something fun or wonderful! A happy event... see... to those of us that are burdened with this over weight thing, we pig out when we are sad and we pig out when we are happy. Everything is a party!
Take a deep breath. Honesty to you! For most of the time we want to hide from problems. All problems. That desire to just curl up in a ball in bed armed with that box of chocolate chip cookies and hide from ourselves. Hiding in the Shadows. Know that you are not alone in these feelings. There are so many of us out there. That is the beauty and grace of being able to write... social network... share with others and know that there are millions of people that are torn by their own addictions whatever they may be.
Do something positive for you today. Hear my voice... I am here... write to me too. As I have stated to you before, I thank you all for being at my fingertips. I thank you all for lending your ears to my words both in text as well as in music and song.
At a tempo of 90 beats per minute, this song is for all of you! As my lyrics sing.... "searching for yourself alone, you've been Hiding In the Shadows... don't you go and hide there no more... for I am here! Always!

Stay well and remember...

Never Stop Movin'!


workout music MARINA

Monday, January 26, 2009

Come take a walk... and "I'll Entertain You!"

Come take a walk with me then we can talk together...and I'll entertain you. It can be a lonely road you've traveled so far with your fitness program... let me Entertain You... let's go walking off together so far... and I'll Entertain You!
This is my "mantra"! For the wordage I hear everywhere I go is... "I do not like to is so boring!"
So that is what I have made my job... musical fitness entertainment. No, no... not just fitness trying to be entertaining... but writing and producing entertainment or "edutainment" product to present fitness... it's a different way of thinking.
After losing 100 pounds in my late 30's back in 1997, I started to work with countless companies and products out there where I sit with people in development watching them scratching their heads on how to make a gadget entertaining. Now look, there are certainly products and gadgets that can be very effective. There are also plenty of experts in fitness with great knowledge who are brought to the table in these meetings for their thoughts on how to take that gadget and give it moves and maybe even put music under it.
Let's face it.... with cardio in particular, you do not need an instruction guide once you have found the "on & off" switch... or the miles per hour arrow. It is all about repetition and being distracted and entertained long enough to stay with whatever cardio activity you are doing. Stay on it long enough to burn a calorie. But the problem is even 10 minutes of cardio can seem like a lifetime if you are bored.
Music at the proper tempo and proper intent is vital. Get the repetitive move you are making to stay at a repetitive pumping pace can make all the difference. This goes for all levels of fitness. Now, combine that with "lyrics" that tap into your heart; that have a message directed at what you are doing. Let's take that up a notch and combine voice over... "musical health talk" if you will... where instead of the verse being sung... it comes out with music still going as I speak to you regarding different subjects in health. Perhaps there is as an expert in a given field we are talking about that joins me. Make no mistake... I am not talking about just putting music underneath that is an after thought. I am suggesting the song be about the subject at hand being spoken about that day at that workout. A weave... mini-musicals that incorporate a story and an issue. The chorus always kicking in with full vocals incorporating lyrics of that message where we get that extra push and energy rush.
This is the approach that I have worked endlessly to write and produce over the past 13 years since losing my 100 pounds. As a singer/songwriter, vocalist and instrumentalist, this is how I stay on target. As I enter my recording studio each day... with not an idea in sight... I let my mind go to a subject matter that I feel is relevant to many of you. Then I develop beats at a proper tempo for the activity at hand... start writing lyrics... start laying down my vocal parts... violin lines.... orchestrations. From there, after the song is written and recorded... I pop out those verse vocals and speak with you as I "edutain" on the subject I am also singing to you about.
So you see... as you… run.... rebound... do elliptical... or do any cardio activity you might choose, I'll Entertain you!
Come on!... take a walk with me then we can talk together... and "I'll Entertain you!".
Pop on those headphones and enjoy this one by me to you....

Enjoy and as always...

Never Stop Movin'!



Friday, January 23, 2009

Self?... don't you get Lost Along The Way!

How many of us who are trying to balance home... work... family and our health ever stop and think.... "Where did "I" go?”... Who is this person that I now don't recognize? With all the things that we do, especially us working moms, we often forget who we were before we grew up... maybe got married... maybe had kids. I ask.... "who were you when you were young?" What were the dreams and goals that have been compromised now in order to attempt to have it all? The American dream, honey!
Being a person who has lost 100 pounds and juggles home, work, family & fitness and gets written to by countless people around the country dealing with their obesity struggle I have seen this time and time again; women who have lost their own sense of self. This often tends to make them candidates who struggle the hardest with addictions.... food addiction being at the front of the pack. These women who often lose this sense of self where food becomes their whole world, forever planning events around what the cuisine will be rather than what the actual event is. Women who too often surround themselves with others who are also getting "Lost Along The Way." After all, as the saying goes, "misery loves company"!
This is a time when there are many varying choices in our country of types of families... options to young women who may get pregnant at a young age. As wonderful as having all this choice is, it also can bring complications to these young women. Maybe not finishing school.... there fore not being able to go for a better job... which in turn may lead to poverty which often goes hand in hand with obesity. The inexpensive fast food choices that are affordable have certainly left a food-a-holic blemish on so many.... especially young moms. Don't get me wrong. Plenty of fantastic young moms and dads who's hearts are in the right place. However... being able to juggle it all looks good on paper... but how does one do that exactly. There are never enough hours in the day or energy left at the end of an exhausting day to stay tapped into one's dream let alone have the time or desire to keep going for it. Time... money... energy.... gumption.... oye! Help!
This may help. Take time for you. No matter where you are or how difficult things might seem, "YOU" matter the most!
Taking care of your health is primo! Even just sitting for a few minutes with eyes closed... sitting up with straight back... shoulders down and back... chin down. Inhale and exhale and think about you! Let your mind wander and drift into a sweet spot of memory and hope. If you can do that... take it to another level. No time? Well... do this. Stand at your computer and walk in place to this one... or simply stay in your chair and bop to the beat. At a tempo of 160 beats per minute (bpm), hear my voice while I sing to you these words...
"I want to stay with you forever... as long as we are both together. It does not matter who is right… oh no... just keep that vision in your sight!"
You see as I tell you most everyday... I am like you. I too need that push and that motivation. Being able to write to you and create music for you to stay on your health & fitness path in turn helps me too! I thank you for that.... so...hear what I say..."self?... don't you get Lost Along The Way!"

Now come on and break that sweat...and as always...

Never Stop Movin'!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hard Working moms... Fragile!... aren't we?

Being a 50 year old working mother of three children now aged 15, 17 & 22, I remember all too well the conflict of going back to work after my first son was born in 1986. Oh my! I was never at peace. When I was home I felt I was slacking with my work responsibilities and when I was at work I missed my baby boy. I have learned as the years have moved on that we women are certainly the stronger sex. We have the ability to juggle it all. Home... work... family... oh yes... and look fabulous all at the same time.
My advice is to give yourself a break. There is nothing wrong with your feelings no matter how crazy you feel at times. I have found that some of the best kids have been raised by working moms. Women who maintain a career also maintain a strong sense of self. This can enable a woman to bring a more logical approach into parenting especially as a child gets older and matures. The woman who has spent time outside the home and deals with the real world on a day to day basis may be better prepared to catch the left hooks that may be thrown at us. Parenting is never a fairy tail. I love a line I heard in the film Parenting."...Life is messy" ... ha, ha...LOL... ain't it the truth.
As a fitness singer songwriter and someone who has maintained a 100 pound weight loss, I also find that a daily workout is a great way to clear your mind. Try this... sit up straight... inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth... drop those shoulders... relax your neck and take a minute to stretch. At a tempo of 90 beats per minute here is a song I wrote/sung called "Fragile". Aren't we all? Yes... but oh how strong we ladies and moms can be!

Enjoy and as always...

Never Stop Movin'!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"The New Kid?... please... not that!"

How many of us watched as our 44th President went through the festivities of his inauguration with wife and two kids by his side? Well... I will be forever struck by the visions of those two little girls. So poised, so gracious, having to go through an overwhelming situation that would have had most of us on our knees begging to just be able to sit down and drink a soda in private. What about school? After all... fame or no fame... these two little girls are still the "New Kids" at school. EEEk!!! What a feeling. That feeling of walking into a new school... not knowing anyone. None of us much enjoy that.
This feeling crosses over to many things in life. Being new on the job... being new to any situation where it is the unknown. Any of these examples makes me sweat... no... not in that healthy cardio way...but in that way that taps into memories of long hallways.... florescent lighting.... muffled banter coming out of unfamiliar classrooms. For this I give kudos to our new first family and the stoic display that all four of them exhibited on that historic day.
I recently had the pleasure of working with WOR Radio on their Shining Star Talent Search. This was an east coast vocal competition open to kids ages 12-18. I acted as a judge (along side of the legendary Cousin Bruce Morrow) and was asked to write and produce the CD single for the winner. I entitled the song... "The New Kid" in honor of our two now first family New Kids!
Please enjoy this "Musical Health Talk" 5:00 minute program I wrote and produced utilizing the 2008 winner of that contest, Michelle Raitzin, together with myself. While you listen... I encourage you to get on up and walk in place at your computer to experience "Musical Health!". At 130 beats per minute (bpm) even if you are sitting in your chair... breath... inhale through the nose... exhale through the mouth... sit up nice and straight... abdominals in and up... dropping your shoulders. Enjoy and as always.... Never Stop Movin'!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

America For Life!... what a day!

How incredible that we are alive at a time to see this. All possibilities. No matter how tough the year has been with no doubt more tough days ahead... we go on. We have seen a moment in history that will forever change our country. Hold onto your health. For life is precious. No matter what your own personal beliefs, no matter what your personal choice is... we all need our health.
I urge you to move your body... walk... run or do any cardio activity you might choose!
America For Life!

Stay well and as always...

Never Stop Movin'


"Parents with Parents...the greatest Time of Your Life!"

In 1987, after the birth of my first child, my mother unfortunately got sick with a brain condition that lead to her death a couple of years later. Since then I have had 2 more kids with one of them being a daughter. My daughter, Tess, is now 15 years old. As I watch her, oh how she reminds me of myself. How I long not to repeat many of the same patterns that got in the way of a less than perfect relationship I remember with my own mother. For we all repeat patterns. Recognizing a pattern that is emotionally unhealthy is the first step towards changing it and making it better.
Knowing how to apologize to our children when we have been out of line ourselves is as important as your child saying that they are sorry to you after being defiant.
For those of you that are moms and still have your own mom around.... treasure that. Once our mothers leave this earth there is no turning back. How I wish my mother could have known all three of my children, especially my daughter.
Being an adult who can still hold, touch & kiss one's mother is precious. What a great time of your life.
Here is a song by me to you! Enjoy it. Take a break from your computer and stretch while you listen... inhale through the nose... exhale through the mouth....


...and as always...

Never Stop Movin'

click to hear.....

fitness music by MARINA

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Music ....the soundtrack to personal emotional health!"

As a 50 year old mom of 3 who has lost 100 pounds I obviously have many opinions on achieving a weight loss goal. We all hear our own drum beat when it comes to the "battle of the bulge". Unfortunately most of us who struggle with this have it throughout our lives. I refer to myself as a food-a-holic and that I am in recovery, never really healed.
I had the opportunity of interviewing Carnie Wilson on one of my Musical Health Podcasts. Interesting...nice lady. Here is a woman who many of us grew up with watching her images flash across the screen on MTV while she sang with group Wilson Phillips. Here obesity was at a peek at that time. Beautiful face , lovely singer...good song "Hold On!"
I discussed "Musical Health" with Carnie...the idea that we musicians/singers and entertainers hold a large card in getting people motivated to move.

To listen to MARINA interviewing Carnie Wilson Click here...

For music is the universal language to us all. Not just beats(bpm) and tempo, but style, lyrics and emotional subject can tap our core to places that have a key to our memory. Gives us feelings that can take our mind away to another place in time. The soundtrack of our lives. This can often distract us long enough, if we pop on headphones and move, to go that extra mile on a treadmill...or bounce that extra couple of minutes on a rebounder...etc....cardio important as it is usually is the thing that most of us dread, Yes, even though I run 3 miles everyday complete with ab work, arm raises, stretching....etc...I too need that musical health motivation. This is why I write music. Selfish of me. For while writing music for the fitness community, then listening to the track and working on lyrics and vocals there after...this enabled me to keep my fitness regime in check long enough to lose 100 pounds. Composing and writing is still how I stay motivated. Writing music for others to in turn help myself. See?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Networking women ......"Won't Help Me!"

"Won't Help Me!....won't be holdin' my hand!"...

I am a 50 year old working mother of 3 children and started my own business in NYC 22 years ago from my kitchen table with my first child, Justin ( now 22 and recently graduated from Columbia University) still in a playpen by my side. From that year of 1987, I have worked exhaustingly to juggle the tough task of building a business while raising now 3 kids, two of which are still in High School with the hard costs of their two college tuitions looming in the very near future. Since that time I have built Kamen Entertainment Group, Inc. & Recording Studios which spent the past 20 years housed in NYC Times Square complete with a 22 person staff to organize and keep afloat. In addition to this, I did it with my husband of 25 years. Staying married and holding this all together is a topic all by itself. I recently relocated my recording studios and business to Chelsea here in NYC... lots of work to organize and move 11,000 sq ft of recording equipment and office supplies... furniture... etc....after such a long time in one place. Doing this all while still servicing clients, trying to get and keep business in these tough economic times and still keeping track of my children's schedules at school... homework assignments.... getting them to after school activities.
After all this, I still have to go and write and record music, vocals & voice overs for countless clients. Oh yes, and workout everyday to keep my 100 pounds weight loss from creeping up on me again. "...eeek! Calgon, take me away".
I feel that having networking opportunities open for women is extremely important to us all. Too often, women in business have a tendency to block other women from succeeding rather than to offer a helping hand. What is it about our nature as women that make us do that? Good Morning America recently covered this topic."won't help me...won't be holding my hand ...."
this is a lyric to a song I wrote after reading the inspiring book "Kabul Beauty School". If you have read it, check it out. Women helping women! Powerful!
Well, that's ok! As I now step foot into my 50 years of life I am thrilled to see more and more young women who have grown up with computers getting involved with social networking. What a fabulous source for women in the business arena that I did not have when starting my business back in the 80s.
I give this to you all! A bit of inspiration through song...for as a song writing artist, this is how I communicate best. I layered my violin lines with vocals and textures to convey a feeling of labor and yet hope.
Take a break from your computer and stretch while you play this song below...

click link below to listen.......

Enjoy.... think about it..... and as always.....

Never Stop Movin'


workout music by MARINA

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jealousy? ... "Don't ya let it get ya!"

Jealousy?..."don't ya let it get ya nothing's gonna trip ya and drive you away. Don't ya let it get ya, I'm gonna bet ya, listen when I say that you'll be ok! It's a fact you know where it's at, take a look right inside your heart. Now is the time to get up and shine just give it the perfect start."
These are actually lyrics to a cardio fitness song I wrote that I am giving you today. It is located on a link at the bottom of this blog. Click on it. At a tempo of 162 beats per minute it is bound to give you that extra push no matter what type of cardio you are doing. Walk... run... do elliptical... or simply bop in place right at your computer.
Have you committed to yourself this year to work on a better you! Yes? Well then... have you experienced that sometimes those around you have a habit of holding you back not wanting to be reminded of their own bad habits? Misery loves company! Oh yeah! Enabling. Yes I admit it. I usually eat with gusto around other people who have a food addiction. When things are not going well for me, it is easier to be around others that are also experiencing some difficulties in their own lives.
Why? Jealousy! eeek! Guilty as charged. What is it in us that reacts so violently when we see someone who is pulling their act together when we are not ready to do so ourselves? Not a politically correct thing to say, I know. However, in my 50 years of being on this planet I have seen it over and over again. Why, for example, when we commit to staying motivated on a healthy eating and fitness plan, do we have those friends that tempt us with..."Oh, come on... have a piece of cake... one little piece... it's not everyday"... or... the... "Come out to dinner, you can workout tomorrow". The one I hear the most is... "Honey.... you look fine, you're not fat" ... when you know quite well that the pair of pants that were always comfortable are now cutting off your circulation.
Well...."don't ya let it get ya... I'm gonna bet ya, nothing's going to trip ya and drive you away!"
I believe in you. I believe that no matter what you are going for that you can stay motivated. Don't let the "no" sayers and non-believers interfere with the better you. Don't let the dark song of jealousy in them sing out and ruin your vision of whatever dream or goal you are working towards. Grab and hold on tight and go for it! Start right now!
Click on the link below and do something good for your health. Pop on the song and let it fill you with energy! I am sure it will give you that extra motivation. Enjoy... and as always...
Never Stop Movin'!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Move on along... No Procrastination!

Oh yes... Procrastination. Don't you just cringe when you here
the word? Makes you sit up and break a sweat. No, not in an aerobic
way, just in that way that can bring a panic attack. We all have
procrastinated whether it be not studying for a test at school, or
not filling out paper work for an insurance form that is due in, or not
filling out our taxes in time for a deadline. Certainly the idea of
procrastinating a commitment to our own health & fitness goals is
probably one of the largest procrastination issues that many people
struggle with especially at a time of the new year filled with those
new year resolutions. Well... that's ok... don't you go and take all
day, carry it on no. A better way? Do it right away. Move on
along... No Procrastination.
Check out the link to the song below. Maybe even lay down in a
crunch position at the same time and work those abs if you have not
done so already today. Listen to the lyrics. I hope that they put a
smile on your face and help to remind you that the time is now to
confront your life and approach each and everything in your day with
a new found commitment to you!


Come on with me and you're going to see
just how life's suppose to be
don't ask why? or ask me how come?
when you live your life with Procrastination
oh don't be sad when you act bad
looking for the things that you never had, no
I'll show you how answer your question
move it right along No Procrastination


It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination

It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination


a lot of things pass you right by
hanging with the folks that see eye to eye
looking for trouble from everyone
who lives a life of Procrastination
so why be stupid why you act dumb
asking me why?ask me how come?oh
I'll tell you it is done
go live life NO Procrastination.. oh!


It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination

It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination


there you go did it you see?
moved it right along the way it should be
you didn't cry or chose to be dumb
you let it go the Procrastination
now life is good life is grand
you're grabbing hold you're in demand, oh
now let it flow let it come
glad you chose to give up Procrastination.. OH!


It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination

It's ok don't you go and take all day
carry it on now
a better way do it right away
move on along...No Procrastination


workout music by MARINA

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Got No Time Today?... Come Get Your Beat On!

Got no time today?... strap on your heals come on and let's play... come get your beat on!
Hearing your own beat. What do I mean? Being in touch with your own passions and desires everyday will help you through even the bumpiest of times. Hearing your own voice internally can give you the soundtrack of the day and push you through. Ever wake up with a song stuck in your head that you cannot stop? How about waking up in the morning with a goal, no matter how small that vibrates through you like that song that goes round and round. "Spinning right round baby right round like a record baby.... etc..." Oh, am I dating myself back to the 80s?... back to the early days of MTV?
Well... early music videos started to give us that visual notion of the motion..... filled us with ideas.... snap shots of what we were suppose to look like.... sound like... behave like.... Me? no... got no time today to watch MTV... got no time today to think about every legging and bangle that I might "strap" on.... however... hearing my own inner music? Staying in touch with a sound and visual image of everyday goals?... sure. For like me, you too have an inner beat... you too can "come get your beat on". Listen closely to you! Take the time. Following your own instincts is a phrase that we hear often but how many of us really trust our own instincts, our own inner voice, if you will.
So, I am here to help. I am just like you pounding the pavement everyday and trying to obtain goals that feel out of reach. Often I feel like giving up, often I stop hearing the music that I write and breath. You are here to help me too! For as I write the music that gives you that extra push to get up and that extra push up.... my goal of staying self motivated grows stronger. My urge to just stop and shove in that extra donut and sit in front of another replay of Wheel of Fortune diminishes. The pumping drive that has risen with me everyday keeps the tempo in my head and heart to forge ahead.
As a mother of 3 kids as well as a woman who has lost 100 pounds, I understand the battle that one may have in achieving a goal that feels out of reach. I understand the desire to just throw in the towel and give up. So whom should I turn to when my own inner voice stops... when I can no longer get the beat on?
You!.... I thank "you" for being there... listening to my music... reading my words. Can you hear it?... are you listening?..... Come on!... take the time today to "come get your beat on"!

"Got no time Today?" 90bpm
written & performed by MARINA


workout music by MARINA

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today has got Great Possibility!

Waking up with a fresh me look on the day ahead is a feeling most of us look forward to. The problem is that these days sometimes come few and far between. However, the day that comes in bright and cheery fills us with that feeling of great possibility. No matter what we are attempting to conquer may be conquered. Seeing that the start of a new year makes most of us reach into our souls and swear to change some old habit we are trying to shake off or to stick to some new life style change we are attempting to stick to can give us that reason to go on.
So, what are your great possibilities? Large, small... no worries. Even the smallest of goals can often give us that fresh new outlook never seen before. Those of us that struggle with our weight most of the time set ourselves up with too large a goal. However, if we are honest... if we give ourselves a chance to succeed given a reasonable goal... the possibilities open up. The idea of maybe starting a new cardio program may feel like a homework assignment unless we approach it with reason.
Baby steps. That's steps. "Walk before you can run" is an expression that most of us have grown up around. Take those first steps towards your goal. Open up the door and put one foot in front of the other....or...simply stand and just start those feet moving even if you are simply walking in place. Never Stop Movin'!...yeah...these small words can guide you with a feeling as well as a physicalization. Never Stop going towards your goal...never give up.....etc.....
Today? has got Great Possibility!....your eyes are able to read and comprehend....your fingers are able to glide over that keyboard and search for boundless possibilities that the world wide web has to offer. Can you now hear the music? Can you hear your own vocalization singing your own praise of self-achievement? This is how you help me. For in writing and speaking to you I open up my own mind to Never Stop Movin'!....Inhale thru the nose...exhale thru the mouth. You can do it......I do believe that you has got "Great Possibility!"

Great Possibility!....92 bpm
written & performed by MARINA

workout music by MARINA

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Lack of success can kill the Sound of Music"

So here it is another day "up and at em'! " Swing the bat! That is one of my favorite expressions. Always fills me with new found hope and desire to continue. Always fills me with more reasons for getting my butt whipped with the coming of a new day. Out with the old and in with the new. Oh, don't worry. I will come up with a multiple group of cliche expressions that will cover the fact that I am about to embark on yet another day of possible rejection. Another day of that assistant telling me "no" for whatever it is that he/she does not even hold the power to say "yes" for in the end.
That's OK! For here I go. Getting out of cup in hand. Pop open the email. Anything happening? any opportunities waiting? Well...nothing for now. So, here I continue on my daily adventure. Finish coffee...strap on those sneakers and pick the aerobic activity for the day. Running? walking" rebounding?...mmmm which to choose? Do I have the energy. Oh come know the energy will come once the body starts moving. Never Stop movin' own slogan words repeat in my head like a musical mantra...never Stop movin', never Stop movin'. Ipod in hand I search for the playlist that will move me the most. The songs that can lift my spirit and rekindle my voice as I go into my recording studio to create the words that hopefully will motivate others to move.
Here the question. Can lack of success kill the sound of music? Can lack of personal gain kill the ability to get into our own head of escape and self passion long enough to stay entertained and motivate to us to pursue our musical cardio activity. Can we do it long enough to burn those potentially harmful calories from the past few days of eating and drinking. For with disappointment often comes the urge to drink that extra glass of wine, eat that extra bowl of ice cream and stay on that couch longer than you thought physically possible. Waking up in the same position you were in 7 hours ago still with dirty bowl of that lingering ice cream next to you with the sweet taste in your mouth now turned into a sticky lip morning ooze that grosses you out.
Can lack of success kill the sound of music? Can you bare the idea of another day swinging the bat? Sure you can! I do believe that you can! For given another day of opportunity we my forge ahead. This is why I write the songs that motivate people as well as myself to move everyday and in turn this has you helping me hear the music. This is my personal success. This is my goal. Now and forever.....hearing the sound of music!

Fitness music by MARINA

Friday, January 9, 2009

"Sleep or no sleep? That is the question!"

After spending most of my life looking forward to sleeping weekends away, waking up, eating a breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and juice then going right back into bed and sleeping another few hours, I never thought that sleeping would be an issue for me. Well, now as I get a bit older I am finding that many nights I spend staring at the ceiling counting how many cracks have appeared and wondering when I will have to bite the bullet and give it a paint job. Not even after a day that started out with a 3 mile run, lifting weights, 200 sit ups, eating a well balanced variety of veggies, good carbs and clean protein can help on these long and frustrating evenings.
Why does this happen? Well...I think that the stress and pressure that comes with the current day state of situations that affect us all comes into play. After all, how many images of our politicians standing in front of us on the news shouting out the shape of our economy do we see everyday? How many thoughts pop into our heads about how to continue in our personal endeavors, dreams, goals, education if the "money" issue is forever looming. This combined with thinking about the day ahead shoved with work responsibilities, kids, after school activities...oye!
So I lay there. Staring, watching the digital clock creep by minute after minute. Of course, usually falling asleep right before the time I am suppose to wake up only to feel like the walking dead. Oh yes, I take a sleep aid now and again, however, not even the strongest most advertised sleep aid can help with these sleepless nights. Not even that old wive's tale of warm milk and a bath prior to bedtime ca assist with this dilema.
Well here it is. Another day. I will start again. Get on up to one cup of coffee, a 3 mile run, lifting weights, doing my trusty crunches. I will eat properly and work towards my goal. I will write and hear the music of all possibility as I keep myself motivated. Tonight...sleep or no sleep?That will be the question.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! yes...yes.....another year of swinging the bat. Resolutions..... made one to eat better and get into better shape? Music to my ears. Easier said than done. Yes, for me as well. For I like you struggle daily with that battle of the bulge....huffing and puffing as i reluctantly step on up to my treadmill, rebounder or elliptical machine. Maybe I'll just dance in front of the mirror to one of my own songs today...Geez! When will it get painless? Ever? Ha!
No chance.Burn...breath...push....Never Stop Movin' Oye! The part I like best is the finish. Well...that's the truth. As a Musical Health & Fitness enthusiast I wish I could tell you that I love to exercise, however, my mother taught me never to lie, so I must say it like it is. I would much rather be sitting back watching CNN sucking down a bagel smothered in butter and coffee light and sweet.
No chance. As I complete my 3 mile run followed by 200 crunches and 100 arm raises the shower awaits. Bubbles "take me away"!
Cleanse my tired muscle. Encourage me to swallow that 8 ounce glass of water that should be taken every two hours. Does it make me full? No, of course not. Maybe just maybe, it will hold off my appetite for another hour or so before the next craving hits. When that craving hits...what will it be?
A bread craving? a chocolate craving? a spare rib craving?...which will be the lesser of all evils? I know, I know...grilled chicken and salad linch. Again? cottage cheese? yogurt?fruit? I saw on GMA the other day Oprah's fitness guru pushing the ever present fruit smoothie. I love them but come are you going too prepare a smoothie at the car on a long drive...Never!
So the urge washes in to grab that cheese burger, tuna sandwich with french fries, grilled cheese. All of these items are what have been referred to as "kids friendly foods". Friendly? Not Even Close! Fat, fat and more fat...sugars, carbs!...Help!!!!!
Well....writing helps to vent frustration with my own battle. Writing songs to workout with does as well. So here I go. Off to the recording studio to sing the blues away and hopefully motivate myself to Never Stop Movin' no matter how hard it seems.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Obama Bod

MARINA Kamen aka MARINA here! I am a Musical Fitness Expert here in NYC who was recently quoted along side of Arnold Schwartz... in The NY Post on the article regarding Obama's "Bod". link to view full article.

I am also a 50 year old mother of 3 who has lost 100 pounds!
I am also a producer, vocalist, choreographer and multi-instrumentalist in New York City. In addition to my work on countless commercials over the past 25 years, I'm known for my Billboard and music charting record releases. An innovator in online distribution, my catalogue of over 400 songs and more than 30 albums are currently being distributed around the globe with companies including International, & Lodingo Austrailia. In 2005, I was awarded the first People's Choice Award in Podcasting for my original musical health and fitness programming. This enabled me to launch which now offers over 1,000 of my musical downloadable products.
I have also been covered by The New York Times, The LA Times, The NY Post, Prevention Magazine, Newsweek Magazine and Family Circle Magazine and have made appearances on The Discovery Health Televison Network, PBS, Nickelodean (The N), WOR Radio, and ABC News.

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