Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"The New Kid?... please... not that!"

How many of us watched as our 44th President went through the festivities of his inauguration with wife and two kids by his side? Well... I will be forever struck by the visions of those two little girls. So poised, so gracious, having to go through an overwhelming situation that would have had most of us on our knees begging to just be able to sit down and drink a soda in private. What about school? After all... fame or no fame... these two little girls are still the "New Kids" at school. EEEk!!! What a feeling. That feeling of walking into a new school... not knowing anyone. None of us much enjoy that.
This feeling crosses over to many things in life. Being new on the job... being new to any situation where it is the unknown. Any of these examples makes me sweat... no... not in that healthy cardio way...but in that way that taps into memories of long hallways.... florescent lighting.... muffled banter coming out of unfamiliar classrooms. For this I give kudos to our new first family and the stoic display that all four of them exhibited on that historic day.
I recently had the pleasure of working with WOR Radio on their Shining Star Talent Search. This was an east coast vocal competition open to kids ages 12-18. I acted as a judge (along side of the legendary Cousin Bruce Morrow) and was asked to write and produce the CD single for the winner. I entitled the song... "The New Kid" in honor of our two now first family New Kids!
Please enjoy this "Musical Health Talk" 5:00 minute program I wrote and produced utilizing the 2008 winner of that contest, Michelle Raitzin, together with myself. While you listen... I encourage you to get on up and walk in place at your computer to experience "Musical Health!". At 130 beats per minute (bpm) even if you are sitting in your chair... breath... inhale through the nose... exhale through the mouth... sit up nice and straight... abdominals in and up... dropping your shoulders. Enjoy and as always.... Never Stop Movin'!


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